Monday, September 15, 2008

I'd love to turn you on

What a news day. Goodness. Sitting this morning after so many sweetly fantastical phantasmagoric dreams, robe on, freezing from the cool 50s temps and leaving all the windows open last night, savoring my coffee, it was like the world blew up over the weekend.

Maybe that's a little harsh.

But still. It's why I refuse to listen to anything but This American Life over the weekend. News is bad for the soul. I am I am I am mantra. Anyway this morning. What is it like, Lehman Bank closes, Morgan Stanley closes. David Foster Wallace dies over the weekend. The Hurricane. A bit of a mess indeed.

The good news from the weekend is our Friday night impromptu dinner party was a hit. Thanks to Casillas, I must now definitely get an iphone. Pandora anywhere I want? Hello! And an open invitation to stay at a friend's house in Grand Cayman? Hello!

Then it was college football and Scrabble Saturdays. Hubs wanted to be well rested to learn the abridge history of the Presbyterian church (not such a light swallow) and then tennis and grilled steaks and ain't life grand Sundays.

Now it's time to prepare for our trip. Husband picked up Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, which is wonderful and all about living in Paris in the Fall, and perfect timing for our trip. It reminds me of so many times I've had in France and abroad at all and we're heading to NY and London too and I'm just so excited to show him my favorites cities.

It is truly spectacular to travel with the one you love. And I have new gray leather boots to celebrate. They're to die for!

It all comes down to the seasons. At what point ends the season of youth?
I know several people will be mourning our loss of Mr. DFW. Barrett, did you notice the Infinite Jest references in Y: The Last Man? Alas, poor Yorick. I still don't understand why people are hesitant to read Y because it's a comic. It's ridiculous. It's wonderful. But people thought I was ridiculous for reading IJ. Lugging that behemoth book all over England and France all those years ago. I can't say the book changed me, as much as I know it has changed some of you all, but it was a great read. Challenging where I needed to be challenged. It's too bad that I see it as such a symbol, or should I say symptom, for where my life turned off the page and great relationships I had, I realized, were not so great at all.

Had I not listened, not taken the advice and bought the book, there's really no telling which East I would have turned to, instead of West. There were other books. Now Infinite Jest is all but tinged in sadness and regret and what a shame. What waste.

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