Monday, November 26, 2007

Where do you go my lovely?


Thanksgiving was hell on wheels. It's always good to be around family. To be in LR and see friends. To cook my first solo complete Thanksgiving. But the drama, the drama I can do without and if I must (and I did) I will put my foot down and not invite it back into my home. I am too old for that shit. Seriously. I am still unwinding from it. I couldn't sleep and was so sick all last night that I slept until noon and missed work today. Which, honestly, I feel I needed.

We got the Christmas tree up (Ziggy Stardust meets A Christmas Carol-it's totally cool) and most of the other decorations up. In my day off today I'll be finishing holiday decorating things, planting my amaryllis and calla lillies, maybe finally seeing The Darjeeling Unlimited, hoping you'll write back. Those are the things I'd like to get done today.

My dreams were loving, unwinding, placing much needed desires in much needed storage. I kissed you a thousand times but for what this kiss, this circus kiss.

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