Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sexy Sadie, you'll get yours yet!

Ireland is covered in fuschia in the Summertime.

Who is the best Holiday shopper in the land? Please, hold your applause. I am rounding out our household list of gifts with the quint. piece de resistance. Evolution Nature Store- you are my godsend. Shadowbox of penis bones? Don't mind if I do. Venus comb and stand, a perfect gift for my aunt and uncle! Cricket lollies! Perfect fun!

Christmas so far:
-Doodlebops dance mat
-Rainbow in my room
-Lavender Aveda gift set
-windup all weather radio
-Hubs secret gift
-sweaters (they're really cool sweaters)
-potato herb pots, Holly Golightly sleep mask, DIY charm bracelet (thank you Fred Flare!)
-Razorback t-shirts and hog noses
-more to come!

When we'd visit the city, we'd always hit this place up. It's just fun to be kid-like sometimes. I highly recommend having them pull out a few replica monkey skulls, orangutan, whatever. It's v. fun. I always knew I should've taken Biological Anthropology in college. I love bones.

Speaking of going back to school, looks like I'm signing up for Spanish again in January. I started taking it in working on my masters and because of all my French, started picking it up pretty easily. Probably would've come faster had I studied.

Such is life, so it goes.

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