Thursday, June 21, 2007

Irish folktales scare the shit out of me

From here on out, I am always going to be putting my 2 weeks in. Makes life easy being a short-timer! woo!

We showed the house for the 1st time to actual people last night (our open house Sunday was a big, fat zero) and we think good things!! The universe has just got to open up to us on this one. I mean we've been putting so much damn good karma into the system. That big wheel should really be turning our way now. The good thing about it is, the karma we've been putting in has actually been favors and trinkets we've wanted to do, been cool with. Oh please Lord, Zeus, Sophia, Ydaobaol, Quetzlcoatl, whoever, I send this up to you man: take care of my and Hubs. Please.

Woke up at 5:30am this morning, couldn't turn my brain off. Conversations I feel like I should be having with people and I just can't. Or better, I shouldn't. Damn, why can't I let some sleeping dogs lie? When will it be enough? But anyway I guess the cure to sleeplessness: feed grumpy hungry cats; let dog out to romp; drink icy cold water; lay back in bed to have my hand held by sleeping husband. I mean damn. My life is near perfect.

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