Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'll settle for the back of your hand somewhere on my behind

Treat me like I'm a bad girl // Even when I'm being good to you

Madonna, I love you! You make my strength training fly by (no small feat indeed!).

Came to work early so I could leave early for our bedroom furniture!!! delivery which was supposed to be delivered an hour ago. Yes I'm excited. We've been waiting/not sleeping for 6 weeks. At first our smaller, full size guest bed was fun. Closer, more intimate. "Like camping in a Bed and Breakfast," Hubs said. It was quaint. It's a very cute turquoise guest room. Now I just hate it. I hate the blue. I hate the cramped. I HATE the bed. The only thing I truly still love about the room are the red coral knobs and the original Andy Warhol pen drawings (that I found in a warehouse thrift store her e in Little Rock!!!).

Le sigh. Anyway.


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